IVI-Tenerife Assisted Reproduction

Assisted reproduction   

Assisted Reproduction is the set of medical techniques and treatments aimed at promoting pregnancy in case of male, female or both fertility problems. In recent years, this medical discipline has also helped women who face maternity individually, without a partner, and couples of women, to be mothers. We are then facing a speciality of Medicine, which is creating new family models.

IVI has been offering the Reproduction techniques for more than 27 years so that those interested can fulfil the dream of having children. In order to reach this goal, the range of possibilities for Assisted Reproduction treatments is wide since they are intended for couples with fertility problems (male infertility, female infertility or both) and single women or couples of women who wish to have children. The treatments that exist are:      

  • Artificial Insemination (AI)  
  • In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) 
  • Ovodonation   
  • IVF Genetic (IVF + PGT-A) 


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    What is artificial insemination?

    Artificial insemination is a low complexity assisted reproduction treatment that involves introducing a semen sample, either from the couple or from a donor, into the woman’s uterus.

    With this procedure, the chances of becoming pregnant with respect to sexual intercourse increase as the semen sample are previously treated in the laboratory and the ovaries are stimulated to control their growth and maturation. In turn, depositing the treated sample in the woman’s uterus reduces the distance that the sperm must travel to the ovum and the insemination schedule allows maximizing the chances of fertilization and pregnancy.  


    In which cases is it indicated?

    Artificial insemination can be done with a sperm sample from donor or partner. This treatment is recommended for women and couples with:

    • Good number of quality ovules and no male partner.  
    • Alterations in ovulation 
    • Alteration at the entrance of the uterus 
    • Heterosexual couples in which the man presents anomalies 
      • mild or  
      • moderated in:  
        • sperm quality  

    What is in vitro fertilization?

    In vitro fertilization at IVI Tenerife is a treatment of assisted reproduction of high complexity that consists of the union of the ovule with a sperm in the laboratory -in vitro-, in order to obtain good quality embryos that they can, after their transfer to the mother’s womb, give rise to a pregnancy.

    This procedure requires hormonal stimulation to the patient in a controlled manner with the purpose of obtaining their eggs, which will be subsequently fertilized in vitro in the laboratory, where they are grown for a few days. One of those embryos is transferred back to the uterine cavity and the remaining ones are preserved for future use.

    In which cases is it indicated?

    This treatment can be performed with donor or partner sperm and allows us to facilitate the fertilization process when there are other causes that hinder it. The treatment is recommended among others for women and couples:  

    • Women:    
      • After several artificial inseminations without success 
      • With advanced endometriosis:  
        • probable tubal involvement and in ovo-citation quality 
      • Advanced agewith low quality ovules.  
      • Injury to the tubes or absence of them 
      • Hydrosalpinx 
    • Couples 
      • In which it is necessary to make a study:  
      • preimplantation genetic 
      • Man has poor sperm quality 
        • moderate male factor or  
        • severe

    What is ovodonation?

    Ovodonation at IVI Tenerife is an Assisted Reproduction treatment that offers the opportunity to have a child to patients who cannot develop an embryo by themselves. In an ovodonation, IVF (In-Vitro Fertilization) is performed with the peculiarity that the eggs are from a donor and the sperm are from the recipient couple. There may also be the case, if they are women facing maternity alone, that the sperm is also a donor.

    In which cases is it indicated?

    Couple’s semen: 

    • Women 
      • Of advanced age  
      • With ovarian failure due to:  
        • menopause 
        • early ovarian failure or  
        • ovarian surgery  
      • That they cannot use their own oocytesbecause 
        • poor quality or  
        • for hereditary diseases that cannot be detected by 
      • DGP techniqueswomen  
      • With repeated failures in IVF.   

    Donor semen  

    • Men:  
      • With the absence of sperm 
      • Men carrying a genetic disease that cannot be studied in:  
        • embryos or  
      • carriers of a sexually transmitted disease 
      • Chromosomal abnormalities in:  
        • semen  
      • In the case of women without a partner.

    What is IVF Genetic?

    Genetic IVF is the combination of in vitro fertilization (IVF) and the preimplantation genetic diagnosis to detect alterations in the chromosome number of embryos or aneuploidies (PGT-A). Thanks to this analysis, detecting chromosomal problems in the embryo that is transferred reduces the risk of abortion and increases the chances of having a healthy baby, free of diseases such as Down, Turner or Klinefelter syndrome.


    In which cases is it indicated?

    In vitro fertilization together with the PGT-A test is recommended for:  


    • Women 
      • Over 35 years old  
      • Pregnancy history 
        • two or more assisted reproduction cycles 
        • without pregnancy  
      • They have suffered 
        • two or more abortions for  
        • unknown causes.  
      • They had a previous pregnancy with abnormalities 
        • chromosomal 
        • especially in assisted reproduction cycles 
    • Couples: 
      • in which the man’s sperm presents alterations of the 
        • meiosis or  
        • low sperm count 


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      IVI has been dedicated to reproductive medicine for more than 25 years, and 110,000 babies who have come to this world with the help of more than 2,000 professionals who have achieved that IVI has a success rate of over 90%, in addition to being a pioneer in treatments such as artificial insemination, in vitro fertilization, and techniques such as egg vitrification and embryo scope.