
Treatment for the improvement of menopause symptoms


During menopause, women suffer hormonal changes that cause certain symptoms or effects on their quality of life. At a gynaecological level, it is common that at this stage they suffer from dryness and vaginal atrophy, involuntary loss of urine and / or problems in sexual intercourse.

At Ginefem the laser treatment for menopause is capable of reversing or decrease the symptoms of this stage of a women’s life. Thus it manages to improve their quality of life.

How does it work?

The laser for menopause is applied at the same gynaecological consultation and lasts about 10 minutes. It does not require hospitalization and the women can continue with their normal life after treatment.

  • Reverse dryness and vaginal atrophy
  • Improve sexual satisfaction
  • Corrects mild genital prolapse
  • Corrects involuntary loss of urine
  • Improves vaginal muscle tone
  • Decreases the internal and external diameter of the vagina

The effects of the laser appear after a few days of its application and are permanent, at least, for several years. Performing pelvic floor exercises and adequate hydration of the area can prolong its effects.